Carpe Vitae

Your health

Changing what it means to live a long life.

Despite advances in modern medicine designed to prolong our lifespan, our quality of living has not necessarily improved to the same extent. Human healthspan — the length of time we enjoy good health — has remained largely unchanged for the last 40 years.

Through the advancement of our world-leading research, we aspire to change lives across the globe by drastically improving the human condition. We aim to achieve this through the treatment, prevention and eventual cure of age-related diseases such as osteoporosis, cancer and neurogenerative conditions including Alzheimer’s disease.

Life expectancy, healthspan & DNA repair

With ageing populations and an unchanged healthspan, age has become a major risk factor in the formation of debilitating diseases due to the breakdown of our bodies’ natural ability to repair DNA damage as we grow older.


Conditions we address

Our solutions are based on harnessing molecular pathways in human cells to increase life and health expectancy through the treatment and prevention of the root cause of age-related diseases.